The Adventures of Taffy & Nako is the first in a series of books aimed at young readers. Taffy, the narrator, and her younger brother, Nako, live in near-distant future world where augmented reality and drones have become the norm. Despite advances in technology, much of humanity is confined to high-rise structures in tightly packed urban areas and the disparities between the lives of the rich and the poor have grown. Taffy and Nako are lucky to continue to live in a more rural area with their mother; their father has passed away and their older brother, Moxx, has joined a special military force that monitors extraterrestrial visits, of which there are an increased number. Nako has displayed a preternatural ability to understand and manipulate tech since a young age. This ability, combined with Nako’s natural curiosity, is useful to the family and a the source of many practical jokes. But Nako’s curiosity can also be a liability, as it is on the day when an spacecraft lands in their backyard. Heedless of his mother’s warnings, Nako sets out to discover what he can about the mysterious visiting craft. When Taffy follows at her mother’s request to bring Nako back, the two siblings are swept into the craft, which soon departs Earth, and their adventure begins.
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